
Thank you for sharing our recent holiday concerts!
It was a real joy for us to sing for such engaged and enthusiastic audiences, and we look forward to seeing you in May with our “Coronation” spectacular. So mark your calendars now:
May 2 (Trinity/Solebury), May 3 (St. Paul’s/Doylestown) and May 4 (Morrisville Presbyterian)
A list of the wide-ranging and exciting repertoire for those concerts, is available here. Tickets will be available online about the beginning of March. Stay tuned for more information!
Our 25th anniversary celebration begins with our trivia night on February 22. Details here!!
Can you help support the music? Just click here. We couldn’t do it without you!
Celebrate our 25th anniversary with us!
Visit our new Cantus Novus Store — https://cantus-novus.printify.me/products
Cantus Novus is an auditioned chamber choir based in Bucks County. Founded in 2000 as an intimate group of choral friends gathering in homes to share a love of music, Cantus Novus has grown to be an established musical presence in the Delaware Valley.

“The May 5th concert was upbeat, inspirational and downright entertaining! Next time they lift up their voices in our area, you really must attend.”

“Concert was amazing. Looking forward to your next performance.”
“Excellent intonation, near-perfect diction, beautiful dynamic range and very musical.”
Our musical focus can best be described as “roots and wings,” with programming spanning several centuries, honoring our “roots,” the rich a cappella choral tradition that springs from the motets of the Renaissance – while our “wings” present audiences with wide-ranging musical offerings from the best of contemporary composers.

Become a Sponsor
There are many ways to support the mission of Cantus Novus:
sponsorship ensures a future for the choral arts in Bucks County.
Learn more here
“It was a luminous program both from both a conceptual and performance perspective.”
Cantus Novus is supported in part by the New York Life Foundation and Visit Bucks County Pennsylvania.

Cantus Novus is a member of Chorus America and the Guild for Early Music